Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What's your stance homework:

One topic I want to mention first of all is gaming. I see many people on social media rant about how bad gaming is for the people because of the violence and blahblahblahblah. What I think is that these people are ignorant and do not hold an ounce of intelligence in basic psychology. Games do not make sane people "murderers". It's so DUMB when I have to research my statistics and facts from viable sources, present them to the person I'm debating, and I get returned with juicy anecdotal evidence with a side of ad hominem. Strongly agree with those who see some sense and rather look at relevant, real-world applicable numbers. Get annoyed at people who rather run a pathos-based argument that does not apply to anything on a macro level.

The second issue is gaming accessibility. This is a big issue in game-related social media sites. People argue that games were more fundamentals-based back then and were more enjoyable because they were 1) harder and 2) made from the heart. These are the people that complain that modern gaming companies make their games more accessible to the average, casual gamer (mainstream). The other argument supports the "average AAA", or modern, popular games. These popular games are deemed as superficial cash grabs that do not have any depth or substance in difference components of games such as storytelling or gameplay mechanics. I personally agree with the former group of people. It isn't right for the bigger companies like EA or Activision to create games that are blatantly ripoffs when you realize that only half the game was made, and the rest is in the DLC (downloadable content that is paid for). Secondly, people like to argue that the older games sucked because the newer ones have more content anyway. Well, the newer games have a much larger budget, so it's obvious that there is much more total content. However, the content tends to be mashed together with dollars in mind. The stories behind these games suck, and there's no thought put behind the soundtracks or atmosphere or tone that games are supposed to excel at. I would go in depth on why certain AAA games bought by the casual consumer are worth being complained about, but I would have to write a whole novel. That doesn't mean modern games completely suck, though. In 2015, we had Witcher 3 and Bloodborne.